Higher levels of creative performance should go hand-to-hand with a good quality of life. One should not come at the expense of the other. An organic Lifestyle will harmonise and integrate different aspects of your development – mental, emotional, social, physical and creative – into a cohesive practice to help you tap into your fullest creative potential.

We work to improve the way you feel. By strengthening your biology and better managing stress you will bring about your natural talents, and find the right emotional context to improve them. We want to make sure you stay on top of your game and find the most fertile ground for creativity to flourish.
Remain creative all your life by learning powerful techniques and strategies to enhance vitality, improve stress management and develop better focus.

Our goal is to find what works best for you: the best meditation, the best breathing techniques, the best physical practice, the best diet, the best relaxation protocol, etc. and guarantee the synergy between these elements. Thus, avoiding waste of time or energy and to prevent unbalanced development.
Create your own virtuous circle, with a positive feedback loop, in which you strengthen your body by strengthening your mind; you improve your emotions by improving your breath; you improve your creativity by managing stress, and so on...
Our body has many aspects to work on. To get fit, we go to the gym. To learn meditation, we go to a meditation centre. To improve breathing, we go to a freediving school. To learn emotional intelligence, we go to a coaching expert. To learn about nutrition, we go to another place. And the list goes on. How can we fit all these elements in one busy schedule? And how can we ensure these elements are interacting in the best possible way?
To answer these questions, we have compiled more than 50 years of extensive research (by Prof. DeRose, a leading author in Human Behaviour) into a cohesive and intuitive programme, specialised in professional creatives.

We live in a time of sensory overload. Everyone is competing for our attention while our attention-deficit is only paired with our addiction to distraction. As the pressure to produce ideas with value in shorter timelines increases, learning how to focus properly and how to become mentally resilient are some of the most important skills we can master today.
Work your mental “body” with balance exercises; visualisation; concentration and mindfulness techniques, physical techniques to help bring more blood and oxygen to your brain – all in an integrated way. Improve your ability to enter flow and deep work.
A physically intelligent body will allow you to not only get in shape but also help you perform better at all levels.
To give you health and vigour, you will learn an “organic workout” encompassing Strength and flexibility associated with Balance and Body Awareness. A way to recharge your batteries without feeling fatigued. You will work muscles and joints while stimulating your endocrine system, nervous plexus, circulation of the blood as well as toning your nervous system.

We live in a time where talent by itself is not enough. We also need the ability to interact and create successful partnerships – the true differential for success. And a key aspect to achieve this is by learning how to become emotionally proficient.
However, we are taught from an early age to learn to control emotions. But controlling emotions is the same as repressing emotions. And repression builds tension. In contrast, we propose a process that teaches us how to manage emotions better. Learn how to Sublimate, Self-Regulate and Reprogram emotions more effectively as proposed by Prof. DeRose.
The creative process is very personal. Bit it can also be a capricious one: some days we wake up inspired and others, it simply does not flow. The right meditation tools can help tap more consciously into your best insights and ideas.
However, most mediation practices tend to privilege a unilateral approach, focusing only on meditation itself. We will find the perfect type of meditation for you and thanks to the Lifestyling integrative programme, inspired by Prof. DeRose, you can now develop all aspects of your body simultaneously. This will help prepare your mind for better performance in mediation. Experience an exponential growth towards unearthing your best creative insights.

A Lifestyle is not a reactive condition
but a Creative enterprise.

Those taking the first steps towards improving the way they manage stress, and need better physical and mental wellbeing. And for those who want to build a solid foundation of knowledge and practical know-how towards improving their lifestyle.
Those who already have a basic knowledge of meditation and stress management but what to improve the quality of their insights by exploring more advanced resources.
Those who are Experienced with meditation and want an extra level of integration to maximize their results.

Lifestyling Co-Founder
Nutritionist Specialised in Plant Based
Emotional Intelligence Expert

Lifestyling Co-Founder
Life Consulting & Personal Fulfillment
Luxury Behaviour
DeRose Method Specialist